Welcome to Mascot Dental Clinic, your friendly local dental clinic.
We are a professional and comprehensive dental care team with a strong focus on oral health promotion.

We love seeing patients with a happy, healthy and satisfied smile. We will work with you to provide the care and service you deserve to help your teeth and mouths stay healthy. In particular, we are passionate about prevention. Getting a car serviced every year is cheaper than getting it fixed when something goes wrong – it’s the same with your teeth! That’s why we strongly encourage regular dental visits. If you want to keep your teeth for life, we’ll do our best to help you get there.

Our team includes experienced dentists who graduated from various universities in Australia, New Zealand and the UK. We are a close-knit group who strive for excellence in dental care and work together to ensure the best treatment outcomes.
Our dental nurses are skilled at assisting the dentists in all aspects of dental treatment. They are also friendly and welcoming and can help with any queries you may have.

At Mascot Dental Clinic, we are mindful of our environmental responsibility and we are dedicated to recycling and sustainability. Our dental chairs have filtration systems in place to filter particulate matter, especially amalgam scraps, preventing it from entering the waterways. We utilize digital x-rays to eliminate the need for chemical developing systems and limit the amount of radiation exposure to our patients and staff.
We also participate in TerraCycle’s Colgate Oral Care Brigade, an up-cycling program to collect difficult-to-recycle waste, in particular, old toothbrushes, dental floss packaging etc. This collected waste is then converted into new products such as recycled park benches.
For more information about our Terracycle recycling program, visit our Environmental Responsibility page.

Since 2017, Mascot Dental Clinic has been a fully accredited dental practice. The Quality Innovation Performance (QIP) accreditation program was developed with the Australian Dental Association (ADA) to encourage private dental practices to adopt the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards into existing quality systems. This voluntary scheme aims to demonstrate that dental practices are committed to quality improvement, patient safety and quality care.

We accept all health funds however, we have no affiliation with any particular health fund. We believe that private health funds should not influence your right to choose the dentist providing your dental care. The term ‘preferred provider’ is somewhat misleading as it only means that the dental practice has entered into a financial agreement with a health insurance company, and not that the practice has been vetted in terms of quality, infection control or that the dentist is presenting the best treatment options.